I am pretty sure that there is no better way to elicit genuine smiles and laughter, than to tell kids “yes” to something, when they were expecting the answer “no.” See exhibit A. “Yes, you can definitely run through the water in your dresses.” (For the record, Mom and Dad told them “yes,” just in case anyone is questioning my boundaries 😉 I am also pretty sure that this family photo ranks as one of my top favs of all time.
Here is another example of these adorable kiddos being told “yes.” “Yes, you can go into the (freezing cold) water and splash around.” And boy did they! Just look at those smiles!
Then, you will see a very un-jessie hearn photography sneak peek. I do not often show the “smile at the camera” shots. Mainly because they are just not my favorite. I adore the family shots like the one above… the capture in the moment shots. But oh, how could I skip this one below?? Perfection! I love that Mom went with the moment, walked into the water, and got her dress wet. And if you look closely, I love that everyone in the picture is covered in water and sand. Might be more “posed” than my typical image, but it is so very candid at the same time!
And last but not least, you might remember this beautiful family from last year (click here). Last year we had a few reschedules due to a few broken arms, and this year it was due to the rain. Totally worth the wait though, because both sessions were absolutely incredible. And it is always so fun for me to see my repeat clients/friends and to watch them grow and change … so here you go, a before (last year) and an after (now).
Thanks so much for the wonderful session! Can’t wait for many more to come!