So I was honestly worried that we would have trouble pulling this session off. We had to reschedule because biggest sis broke her arm. And then, just in time for the rescheduled session, Mom emailed me and let me know that she broke her OTHER arm. Oh no! Well, Mom, being totally laid back and awesome decided to go for the session and I am so glad she did. Gorgeous night and an absolutely beautiful family meant a fantastic session. And for the record, I am well aware that I have become completely incapable of showing just one (or even 2) images for a sneak peek. But seriously, how in the world do I choose one, when I have SOOO many to choose from? So, here you go… a sneak peek overload!
And because I already completely failed on the “show one image for a sneak peek” plan, how about one more? With a short plug for full length sessions… don’t get me wrong, I adore mini-sessions. They are absolutely perfect for grabbing some updated pictures of the family. However, these full length sessions are my absolute favorite. They allow me to capture those holiday card moments, as well as everything else. For example, in a household of performers, just throw some “All About That Bass” on and watch what happens.
Love it!
Can’t wait to share even more!