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Sari Mellman


Business Development Manager

Sales Consultant & Head People Connecter

Mommy of: 3 not so little humans - 1 boy, 2 girls. Blake, Leorah, & Jemma. All their birthdays are within 10 days of each other, so we have way more than our fair share of birthday cake and celebrations in July!


Wearer of: anything comfortable which usually consists of leggings and a comfy top. Unfortunately make-up has become something of the past, aside from the occasional days I feel like “dressing up,” which means putting a pair of jeans on.


Watcher of: anything crime related, about prisons, or a good drama. My husband has turned me onto enjoying some comedy shows, but if left to my own choice, you would find me watching day-long marathons of law & order SVU or Chicago Fire, Med or PD. And then there are the classic, old school movies which will NEVER get old - Sound of Music, Wizard of Oz and Annie!! Love watching these with my kiddos!


Eater of: SUSHI and Buffalo Joes hot wings!! Delicious! However, Jessie and Sura have recently turned me onto DB3 donuts, and I’m obsessed!!! (As is the rest of my family! Thanks guys!)


Traveler to: ANYWHERE!! I LOVE to travel! My husband and I used to travel quite a bit before kids. Well, then we had kids. Our best trip was by far our honeymoon to Thailand and Cambodia! Now we like to hop in the car for family road trips and check out random places.


Reader of: ummmm...who has time to read with 3 kids?! I wish!!


Hater of: Anything University of Michigan. Go Buckeyes!


Lover of: My family


Listener of: 80s music, broadway tunes & whatever 101.9 is playing

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Evanston, IL 60201



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