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Mommy of: Logan, Cole and Brooks. I'm a real life boy mom, and I'm still alive to tell the tale. So far.


Wearer of: All things athleisure, all day, every day.


Watcher of: Shrinking, Friends (forever and ever), and Schitt's Creek


Eater of: A good 'ole bowl of cereal and almond milk. Nothing beats it. And Peanut M&M's. On repeat.


Traveler to: Anywhere that gives me a moment of quiet; could literally be my front porch these days. Also love sneaking away to Nashville and Dallas whenever possible to see friends!


Reader of: Books that offer a good escape, help me grow, and make my soul happy.


Must haves: Aquaphor (chapped lips are not an option), water, and mascara. If we are meaning on a deeper level-- laughter for sure.


Early bird/Night owl: Night owl, but only since having kids and learning to cram endless hours of to-do lists into post-bedtime timeframes. #momlife


Creator of: Schedules, contracts, invoices, lists, reminders, and more. I'm your very own behind-the-scenes magician!


Hater of: Chapped lips. Clearly it's a thing. The sound of exhaust fans in a bathroom. And flies-- ugh!


Lover of: Life. Truly. This is the happiest, most-challenging and rewarding season of life to-date, and I am so very grateful for it all. I also truly love lyrics and beautiful words, especially those that seem to speak right to me and bring meaning to how I am feeling.


Listener of: Needs. Specialist in meeting them. Negligent of my own sometimes but getting there-- a work in progress!

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Evanston, IL 60201



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