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evanston studio photographer 39

Bari Fleischer


Set Director

Captain creative

Mommy of: Emet Morton who is my favorite human being on the face of this planet and in the entire universe as we know it


Wearer of: clothes with paint all over them, like seriously, nothing doesn’t have paint


Watcher of: wheel of fortune and old game shows because secretly I’m a 90 year old, but it isn’t so secret


Eater of: weird things that no one else wants to eat


Traveler to: wherever adventure takes me


Reader of: reading? What’s that?

Must haves: coffee, jamming out music, and my Batman costume


Early bird/Night owl: both! I don’t sleep.


Creator of: whatever my mind can imagine and my hands and body can make


Hater of: clowns. Seriously. Don’t ever take me to a circus.


Lover of: the spark of imagination and where it can take you and what it can create


Listener of: Lunch Money Lewis. Yes, he’s real. And of course, Elton John, Billy Joel, the Beatles, and 80’s big hair bands.

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Evanston, IL 60201



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