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hug them closer.

I, like so many people around the world, am at a complete loss for words.  I do not use this blog as a forum for expressing political or religious beliefs and I tend to keep my comments and thoughts upbeat, so I considered just carrying on with my regular post, but realized I just couldn’t do it.   No matter what your belief is on gun control or care for the mentally ill, you simply must agree that the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School last week was a horrifying event that should never have occurred.   With each and every article I read, I, as a parent and as a citizen of the United States am simply devastated.   My thoughts are with all of those families and everyone affected by this tragedy as they attempt to carry on with what will become their new “normal,”  a life without their loved ones.

So, as I flounder to find things that I can do to help with this awful situation, I, again as so many people around the world, hug my girls a little tighter and a little longer each day.   I also realize that I can never express my gratitude too often- my appreciation that families allow me to photograph them.   The love that this family feels for their little girl is so apparent.  As I reviewed the images from their session, I could feel the love all over again.

I adore their sentiments on their holiday card this year: “She’s silly like Daddy and stubborn like Mama, and the joy she has brought us is immeasurable… Life is sweet.”  How beautifully said!   And so, I chose this session to share because I, and probably many of you, need a simple reminder that even in the midst of awful situations, there is still so much love in the world.   Let us embrace those around us and remind each other that we are here to help.   And let us remember that “life is sweet.”



2504 Prospect Ave

Evanston, IL 60201


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