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Category Archives: best of

best of 2016.

It is finally time for the jessie hearn photography “best of 2016” photo contest!  This is the 5th year I have done this contest and I always adore compiling my clients’ favorite images from their sessions and putting them together for you to see.  It has been such an incredible year and I am so...

bright and early.

I do love my sunset sessions, but there is something so simply magical about the sunrise ones too… it’s like you have the gift of the world before anyone else is awake for it!  Unless of course you choose the place where all of the kayakers head out for their morning rides, and then you...

summer, summer, summer time.

Taking a break from all of this late night editing to put a few blog posts up from this summer.  Please excuse the lack of descriptions, because these sessions were simply amazing, and I am going to let the pictures speak for themselves!  Enjoy!

and the winners are…

Thank you so much for all of your votes… It sure was fun for me to look back at all of those fabulous sessions from 2014 and I can’t wait to see all of your smiling faces again this year! And now, without further ado, I present to you the winner and runner-up of the...


2504 Prospect Ave

Evanston, IL 60201



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